Everyone knows the different names used today to describe stone, mainly Marble, Granite or engineered quartz stone. Not a lot of people are aware though of their origins, if you are interested to know more about these magnificent products keep reading. We will be going through each type of stone, how it is formed in the earth, a bit  and of history about the stone and more. 


Lets start with Granite. To keep you interested we will only touch on the geology of the stone then take you through the wonderful interesting history about the use of Granite.

So what is Granite:  Granite is an igneous rock, this means that is has formed due to the solidification of Lava. The word igneous is actually derived from the Latin word for fire. 

But why does granite come in so many different colors: During the formation of the earth this hot magma or lava Underneath the earths crust forced itself up into mountains and formed large pools of magma that contained a mix of different types of minerals, the color would then be determined on which mineral was more abundant. For example if there was more Potassium Feldspar, a Salmon/pink color would form. As this magma began to slowly cool, allowing large crystals of quartz, mica and feldspar to form, it intruded into the layers above, forming large veins of new rock. Which is now called Granite. 

History of Granite

If you want to build something that can stand the test of time and mother nature, Granite is by far your best choice. 

This was known even in ancient civilizations, Egyptians used Granite on their megalithic structures which still stand today, like the Sphinx which is made from a red granite which is impervious to most forms of deterioration.

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